Volume 3, Issue 3 / March 1999

Asian Interviews & Bergsonian Film

In this issue

1) Interview with Kwangmo Lee
Peter Rist, Donato Totaro , – 03-01-99
Korea was the spotlighted nation at the 1998 Montreal World Film Festival (August 27-September 7). One of the nine Korean films featured was Lee Kwangmo’s Spring in my Hometown , a poignant story about the effects of the Korean War on

2) Interview Hou Yong :Zhang Yimou’s Cinematographer
Cynthia Wu, – 03-31-99
No one to be Missed , which in Zhang Yimou’s words “is one of my best movies,” deals with a rural town’s school drop-out problem. Zhang Yimou is a director known for having excellent work relations with his film crew. As he said, “The

3) Gilles Deleuze’s Bergsonian Film Project , pt.1
Donato Totaro , – 03-31-99
Both Gilles Deleuze and Henri Bergson were, to extremely varying degrees, philosophers interested in cinema who used cinema to suit their particular intellectual needs. In the case of Bergson, he cultivated his ideas during a zeitgeist that includ

4) Gilles Deleuze’s Bergsonian Film Project , pt.2
Donato Totaro , – 03-31-99
In his second book Deleuze tackles temporality in a more direct fashion. Although the book is considerably longer than the first (344 to 250 pages), Deleuze does not propose rigid or neat classifications.

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