Volume 9, Issue 3 / March 2005
In this issue
Eisenstein’s Film-Symphony Project, Que viva Mexico! Part 1: Landscape
Eisenstein and Sound
Eisenstein’s Film-Symphony Project, Que viva Mexico! Part 2: Music
Eisenstein and Sound
Imitating One’s Enemies: Eytan Fox’s Walk on Water
Violence and Intimacy in Germany, Israel, and Palestine
How to Project Success
Sandor Lau’s adventures at the Australian International Documentary Conference
Cinefest Turns 25
For this month Offscreen offers a pot pourri of texts. New to Offscreen is Robert Robertson, who is currently doing doctoral work on Sergei Eisenstein and his ideas on audiovisual film. We are offered a glimpse of his research in his two-part essay on Eisenstein’s Que Viva Mexcio, with part one concentrating on Landscape and part two on Music. Daniel Garrett offers an in-depth analysis of the controversial feature from Eytan Fox Walk on Water, which tackles a volatile mix of subjects and themes that include Israeli nationalism, Israeli-Palestinian relations, terrorism, post-Holocaust Jewish-German relations, with a gay subtext mixed in. Sandor Lau provides a sobering and funny first-hand account as a participant in the Documart at the 2005 Australian International Documentary Conference. Rounding out the issue is Donato Totaro’s report on the 25th Anniversary edition of Syracuse’s Cinefest.