Gestapo’s Last Orgy (1977)

by Douglas Buck July 20, 2017 1 minute (183 words) DVD

Probably one of the better ones I’ve seen of these Naziploitation flicks (not that that’s saying much), with its heavy reliance on the narrative of the considerably more high-brow (though still luridly naughty) The Night Porter from 1974. While nowhere as good — and far sleazier, with a lot more attention on the sexual cruelty inflicted by the guards — it does manage to broach some interesting Sadean themes (mostly through monologues delivered during acts of nihilism – in other words, de Sade style) and the growing dominant/submissive relationship between the main guard and the female Jewish prisoner he can’t seem to break, isn’t without intrigue.

The thing that fascinates me most, though, about these Naziploitation films is – who exactly were they made for? And what were the cast/crew/director thinking as they shot so many of these completely tasteless scenes? It ‘s a bit of a mind-boggle realizing there was a period of time that Italy was churning these out to what must have been a very limited audience (and this one seems to have a decent budget, no less!).

Gestapo’s Last Orgy (1977)

Douglas Buck. Filmmaker. Full-time cinephile. Part-time electrical engineer. You can also follow Buck on “Buck a Review,” his film column of smart, snappy, at times irreverent reviews.

Buck A Review   exploitaton   italian cinema   naziploitation